Adapting to the New Normal

This covid-19 crisis has changed the way we live and work. Suddenly, all but essential businesses are shut down and everyone else is encouraged to stay at home. In this light, how do we adapt our homes and our businesses to reduce the incidence of covid-19?

Ideally, for both homes and business, we should reduce instances where our hands touch surfaces. What does that entail? Barring economical issues, having a smart space will help in this endeavour.

For Homes:

  1. Automatic door openers/ door locks - perhaps can be voice activated for Alexa

  2. Install automatic faucets with sensors

  3. Put sensor lights or voice activated lights

  4. Placing automatic sanitisers at the entry.

  5. Invest in an air purifier, whether it is an electric purifier or better yet, take care of indoor plants. More family members will stay at home. For most, maintaining good health is critical. Poor indoor air quality coupled with poor ventilation are health hazards. For businesses, investing in both an air purifier and perhaps some plants will help in sustaining good indoor air quality.

Unfortunately, with technology comes price. So what do we do? You can start retrofitting your space slowly.

Determine the space that you spend the most time in. Start with this area. Of course, if you just don’t have the budget for it, sanitise daily with a bleach-water solution (depending on the surface treated) or a disinfectant spray like Lysol.

For Restaurants:

  1. Cashless transactions using bank transfer, Paypal, Gcash, Paymaya or any other online payment facility to help your customers

  2. Take Out/ Pick-Up Counter - Have a separate counter where the customer does not need to go in your store (preferably, if possible) to lessen contact.

  3. Sanitizing area - Dedicate an area at the entry for sanitising. Have a sanitising mat and hand sanitizers or alcohol at the entry.

  4. Organise your delivery system. It is vital now, more than ever, to have a good delivery system for taking orders and delivering them to your customers. Establish safety guidelines for your staff (from the kitchen all the way to delivery) to ensure food sanitation is adhered to.

  5. Kitchens - Make sure your chefs follow strict sanitation procedures. Chefs are trained for food safety. If your crew is not aware of this, check out this link from FDA .

  6. Dining areas - Until the crisis is over or until further notice, dining in person is not allowed. This pandemic may last for quite some time, so be prepared to amp up your delivery and take out options to ensure business growth.