I always imagine myself relaxing in a hot shower with a high pressure spray raining down on me! Before we even talk about showers, what are the main essentials that we need to have a relaxing bath?


First and foremost, if you are still in the process of building your bathroom, place a niche or ledge! Make it as wide as you can afford! You'll need the space and the sleek design of this simply makes it drool-worthy!

What if you already have a bath and have no intentions of renovating at the moment? Buy a shower caddy. That's the very least. I've stayed in a few Airbnb's that don't provide either! Think of function. Where will you put your shampoo, conditioner, body wash and the like?


Second, place some baskets for your extra toilet paper. Or you can use a ledge. You do have a toilet roll holder, right? If you don't, now's the time to place one.


Third, have a small tray for your toiletries near the sink. Just like in the bath, all your beauty products or manly products for those men out there need a proper container to look neat and tidy! Don't stay in the bath section. Try looking at ceramic or porcelain trays in the home area of your department store. This will be cheaper and still look amazing!


If you have a tub, need I say more? Yes, again, a niche, basket or tray will make your products look better and easier to clean as well.


I believe in stimulating the senses for a more enjoyable and relaxing bath. Use scented candles or diffusers for an enhanced bath experience. Use lavender for relaxation or an apple scent for a fruity energizing day. 

Lastly, play some tunes! A cool way is for this Kohler Moxie shower head that incorporates the speaker in the shower. Another way is to simply put some bluetooth speakers and play from your phone.

This is why going to the spa is always a peaceful and idealistic experience! It's the combination of sight, sound and smell that adds to the scene. So why not try this in your own bath? You'll come to love it!

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