Jas Ancheta Interiors

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Anyone who has been to Bali knows that despite all the challenges on the island, the nature and culture of the Balinese is a powerful reminder of some of the things that make a way of life so meaningful: SUSTAINABILITY. COMMUNITY. FAMILY. 

These words are how we describe Bali. Why these 3 words?

Most things made in Bali are handmade, made in traditional ways using natural materials and very basic tools. The ways of making things have been passed down from generation to generation,

The Balinese live in large compounds that can house several related families, and these families work together to make the items.

Large groups of family members sit together in a central area, and weave, cut, carve etc. Skills are passed on between family members.

So strong are these skill sets, that many communities in Bali are known worldwide for a particular craftsmanship.

Want to find out how to buy unique Balinese furnishings for your home? Visit our website at www.jasanchetainteriors.com and drop us a note.