Jas Ancheta Interiors

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Secrets of Indoor Gardening in an Air-conditioned Room

This is one of my most viewed posts so I’ve decided to update as of May 2020, especially now that we are mostly confined at home with that #stayhome. What better way to improve your air quality than by adding plants!

I have recently bought a few plants to liven up my bedroom. Although I have a garden, I think indoor plants make the room brighter, more enchanting and improves indoor air quality.

My bedroom is usually airconditioned especially at night. During the day, I open my windows to let the sunlight in and to have a fresh breeze. What I have found out though is that not all indoor plants can survive airconditioning! Why? The humidity is different. The air is drier. And yes, the fluctuating temperatures can be a major problem (when the air conditioner is off).

The following are some plants that can survive indoors in air-conditioned rooms:


1.     Tillandsia

These air plants are the craze nowadays. Water these at least twice a week, perhaps more if your air is really dry, and submerge them weekly for an hour. Bright filtered light is best so putting them beside the window is perfect.

Sanseveria Masoniana

2.    Snake plant (Sanseveria masoniana)

There are a variety of snake plants and this is my new found secret plant that actually survived several months without watering, in low light… It was unfortunately confined to a corner with some furniture from my clients that are being stored at my home (yeah, my home is now a warehouse as we wait for construction to finish for them and some suppliers don’t have storage space or charge for monthly storage space). That’s why we failed to notice this poor plant at the corner, what with it being covered with furniture. After 6 months of absolutely no watering, two out of the four leaves it had still survived! Talk about a miracle plant! Yes, I found it after doing some needed spring cleaning! It’s now being watered twice weekly (due to the very hot weather). Usually, a weekly watering is good. I really don’t recommend letting six months go without watering! That was an unfortunate accident).

Snake Plants, Photo by Costa Farm

3.     Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, Snake Plant (Sansiveria Trifasciata)

This is one of the most popular varieties of snake plants. They survive in medium to high light and can also do low light as long as you don’t overwater. It can survive the most unsuitable conditions and is therefore perfect for those without a green thumb. Water only two times a week  and don’t water the leaf rosette (only the soil).

4.     Pothos

Peace Lily

Pothos are simply hardy. They can grow in low light and is easy to care for. They thrive easily even for those who consider themselves, plant killers! They are also easy to propagate through simple cuttings. I love their trailing leaves too so you can mount this on a hanging pot or simply place on a bottle with water and watch them grow!

5.     Peace Lily

What I love about this is that it has flowers!!! It is difficult to care for flowering plants indoors but the peace lily is the happy exception. It can survive lower light but there will be less flowers and who wants that?! Water these when the soil is dry and mist the leaves several times each week.


Zanzibar Plant. Photo from Ambius

6.     ZZ plant or Zanzibar

ZZ plants are easy-to-care for and will be good for a beginner. They need less water which means you need to wait for the soil to dry before watering again. They can also survive low levels of light. Outdoors, these thrive so well. My ZZ plant has broken several of my clay pots though as it’s actually growing too well! So for outdoors, this will be best planted straight to the ground. For indoor purposes, it still thrives without destroying any pots.

7.     Parlor Palm

They prefer low light (but not no-light) and grows slowly to a maximum of three feet. Water sparingly allowing the soil to begin drying in between waterings. Evenly moist soil is ideal.

Parlor Palm, Photo by ume-y

Victoria lady fern

8.     Victoria Lady Fern

Ferns are very hardy. I water them every day but make sure not to overwater to avoid root rot. They need an evenly moist soil. Place them in shade or partly shaded areas.

9.     Cactus

Cacti are drought tolerant plants. I have my own Peruvian cactus in a corner of my bedroom. I simply open my curtains in the morning so it can receive sunlight, and water when the soil is really dry. A plus factor is that it also produces beautiful blooms!

Hope these tips help and happy plant shopping!!!

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